S(w)eed Investors

A brief journey through one of the most impressive little countries in the world, Sweden with more unicorns per capita than anywhere else.
Written by
Leopold Gasteen
Published on
May 10, 2023
Written by
Leopold Gasteen
Published on
May 10, 2023

As an entrepreneur, I am constantly on the lookout for opportunities to grow my startup and connect with potential investors. When I found out that I had been invited to the J12 AI event in Stockholm, I jumped at the chance to attend. The only problem was that I had never been to Stockholm before and had no idea who the major players were in the venture capital space there.

Undeterred, I decided to leverage my skills in data analysis to map out the venture capital landscape in Stockholm. I started by googling, reading news articles, and scanning Crunchbase et al to identify the most active and well-known venture capital firms in the region.

From there, my awesome cofounder and I stood up a Langchain operation to not only map the VCs in Stockholm, where they have invested, but also to scrape and create embeddings of their portfolio companies websites. This rabbit hole was deep and full of learnings.

Using my network map of VCs in Stockholm (below), I began reaching out to potential investors, introducing them to DeckMatch and highlighting the benefits of our AI-driven tool for managing noisy deal flow. I was pleasantly surprised by the positive response I received, with several VCs expressing interest in learning more about DeckMatch and exploring potential investment opportunities.

In addition to reaching out to VCs directly, I am really stoked to attend the J12 AI event to network with other entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts within AI.

Overall, my experience of mapping out the venture capital landscape in Stockholm using Langchain has been super rewarding. As an entrepreneur, it can be challenging to navigate the complex world of venture capital, but with the right tools and resources, it is possible to identify key players, understand their investment focus, and connect with potential investors. I am excited to see where my upcoming trip to Stockholm will take me, and I am confident that DeckMatch will be a valuable asset in helping me grow my network and find the right investors to take my startup to the next level.

So, whether you are a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, taking the time to research and map out the venture capital landscape in your target market can be a valuable exercise in identifying key players, understanding investment strategies and connecting with potential investors. Using tools like Langchain can help streamline the entire process,. The end result? A map that makes it easier to identify opportunities, reach out to investors, and grow your network. If you are an entrepreneur looking to grow your startup, I encourage you to take the time to explore the venture capital landscape in your target market and see where it takes you.